Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Our Global Media Partners #Pancreas 2018 #Know more about our conference #plus91 #pinkmedico #voice of leaders #pharmaphorum #pharmed expo #IAB expo #tabeeby #Medical events guide #crowd reviews #Making our conference live in all the sites ;)


We are a content and communications company offering a unique hybrid combination of publishing heritage and journalism and the creativity and expertise of an agency.
pharmaphorum.com is a leading destination for news and information for pharma professionals, serving 250k of them every month as a Google-recognised source of “real” news and information.
As an agency team at pharmaphorum connect, we work with global pharma companies to apply this expertise in publishing, journalism and content-development to deliver research-based, content-driven and socially-amplified customer engagement.

Medical events guide:

Medical events guide(MEG) is a platform that serves as a guide for trusted information about healthcare and medical events worldwide. We not only provide a trusted source for all interested parties to access information about Medical Expos, CME meetings and Conferences, but also a place for doctors, medical professionals, healthcare investors, device manufacturers, event organizers and venues to interact with each other. By carefully helping medical companies and doctors access the right events for their selected preferences, MEG wants to ensure that events have the maximum coverage and impact on audiences.


From Middle East Tabeeby has emerged connecting people to healthcare providers. Since then we succeeded in raising the medical and health awareness among the population, taking the charge and we are in the pole position.
Recently, Tabeeby has been developed into a modern format following a comprehensive upgrade to become the first unique and true Health Social that ensures easy, swift and fast access to thousands of doctors, medical entities & Medical events.
Tabeeby has been featured as a media partner and created a recognition in hundreds of Health and medical events across the world, promoting their activities across our platforms to thousands of healthcare providers and millions of visitors.
Acknowledging that the foremost valuable treasure in life is good health, Tabeeby uses state-of-the-art technology and up-to-date social media innovations to highlight the concept of prime health in our daily life.


Plus91 runs a digital health platform that optimizes the way information and interactions are handled between doctors, patients, clinics, governments and other stakeholders globally. This includes EMRs, Laboratory and Hospital Information Systems, Disease Management Systems, Surveillance Systems, Healthcare Analytics and Healthcare Marketing and Content products.

Pink Medico:

A Registered brand of Anarghyaa ETech Solutions Pvt Ltd, company incorporated under Companies Act 1956 & 2013. We are ISO 9001:2008 certified company, headquartered in Bangalore. We are NABH Accredited Medical Tourism Facilitator
•     Pink Medico is a revolutionary medical and healthcare service aggregator that supports complete healthcare and allied services. We offer Comprehensive product / service page of all categories of medical and healthcare that allows to connect with decision-makers in one simple click, both on-site and from magazine, 365 days a year.

Pink Medico – Medical and Healthcare Print & Digital Magazine:  Our readership includes key decision makers across healthcare segments from large to small, public facilities to private hospitals. The readership profile includes owners, CEOs, medical directors, head of departments, purchase managers, owners of speciality centres, bio-medical.

Voices of Leaders:

"Voices of Leaders is a global B2B networking platform for top executives enabling connectivity at a high level and the creation of partnerships among members.
The platform offers matchmaking B2B services, real time information, data driven recommendations and and geolocation services".

IAB Expo: 

Gathering the regions hospitals, Diagnostic, Laboratory, Analytical, Biotechnology and scientific Instruments & Technology sectors in one Convenient location and providing the perfect platform to discover the latest industry innovations, to network and do business.

Pharmed Expo: 

The leading trade fair for the medical industry in Myanmar and Cambodia-Focusing on hospitals, diagnostic, pharmaceutical, medical and rehabilitation sectors, providing the perfect platform to discover the latest industry innovations, to network and do business.


CrowdReviews.com is a transparent online platform for determining which products and services are the best based on the opinion of the crowd. The crowd consists of Internet users which have experienced products and services first-hand and have an interest in letting other potential buyers their thoughts on their experience. CrowdReviews.com is driven by an algorithm allowing for both customers and providers of products and services to understand how the rankings are determined. The service can be used by potential buyers to learn more about their vendors prior to making a purchasing decision.

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